Assalamualaikumussalam wbt
Ramai sudah tahu akan kelebihan solat berjemaah samada di surau atau masjid.
Solat berjemaah juga boleh dibuat hanya 2 org...lebih baik jika solat sendirian. Solat berjemaah akan diberi 27 pahala kebaikan sedangkan solat sendirian hanya 1 pahala kebaikan.
Betapa Allah Maha Pemurah dan Penyayang kepada umat Rasulullah SAW.
Namun masih lagi yang ambil remeh soal solat berjemaah. Jika kita perhatikan pasar malam di mana sahaja...tatkala bilal alunkan azan Maghrib...salah satu makna azan adalah "Marilah Menuju Kejayaan" ...namun hanya segelintir sahaja yg melangkah ke masjid atau surau. Lebih ramai yg berkerumun di pasar malam...berbelanja itu-ini tanpa pedulikan seruan itu.
Ada yg kata "ala...balik nanti aku solat kat rumah"...akhirnya sampai rumah dah hujung waktu....sibuk pulak nak mandi dulu...akhirnya tak solat maghrib. Alangkah ruginya umat Muhammad SAW...:( Ada pula yang masih leka bermain di padang ...main bola, takraw, badminton, joging di padang...bila dengar azan..."ala balik nanti aku solat kat rumah" ...sebab letih sangat...duduk rehat dulu...minum dulu...nak mandi dulu ...akhirnya tak solat maghrib.
Alangkah ruginya umat Muhammad SAW...:( Ada yang hanya duduk berehat depan TV...tengok rancangan kegemaran dgn anak-bini......jam 7.30 mlm...ada citer yang ramai orang minat...bila azan Maghrib berkumandang..."ala nantilah...habis citer ni dulu baru solat"...habis sekelurga berjemaah depan TV. Bila dah habis masing-masing solat tapi tidak pula berjemaah...ayah solat kat bilik...mak pula baru nak mandi...anak solat kat bilik...
Alangkah ruginya umat Muhammad SAW...:( Rasanya bila digantikan solat berjemaah dgn RM...tentunya penuh surau & masjid...apa taknya...RM27 sorang ...Subuh, Maghrib & Isyak dah dapat RM81...pastinya sekeluarga akan turun solat berjemaah....begitu juga solat zohor & asar di surau kat ofis...dapat lagi RM54...tak muat dibuatnya...sehari jer sorang boleh kumpul
Cubalah baca kisah tentang solat berjemaah. Ceritanya tentang seorang hamba Allah yang sedang solat di rumahnya di Mekah kemudian ditegur oleh temannya, mengingatkannya bahawa di musim-musim haji ini ada baiknya "sdr solat di Mesjidil Haram daripada solat di rumah sekiranya sdr tidak sakit, kerana pahalanya lebih banyak daripada solat di rumah, mahupun solat di mana-mana mesjid di Mekah."
Teman yang solat di rumah itu cuba memberi alasan yang dia dah uzur kerna usianya yang telah lanjut. Jawab teman yang menasihati orang yang bersolat di rumah itu, "Kalau uzur jumpalah doktor. Tetapi, kalau keuzuran itu tidak memerlukan rawatan doktor, ada lebih baik sdr gagahkan diri dan bersolatlahlah di Mesjidil Haam.
Pahala solat di rumah hanya 10 darjat; di mesjid-mesjid lain di Mekah, sebanyak 50; tetapi solat di Mesjidl Haram sebanyak 100 darjat" sambung teman tersebut. Dan kalau anda uzur tetapi sanggup gagahkan diri ke Mesjidil Haram, mungkin paidahnya lebih daripada itu." jelas temannya. . "Tak apalah," jawab orang yang uzur itu. "Pahala sedikitpun tak apalah, asalakan saya tidak mencuaikan solat." Sambungnya. Teman yang menasihatkan manusia yang uzur itu lalu berkata: "Bagaimana sekiranya fadiah-fadiah itu "digantikan" dengan wang tunai 100 dinar bagi tiap-tiap rakaat solat di Mesjidil Haram? Fadiahnya bukan dalam bentuk hadiah 100 darajat yang tidak kelihatan di mata, kecuali dibalas ketika di akhirat nanti? Jawab orang yang uzur tadi, "Tentulah saya akan ke Mesjidil Haram!!" Begitulah tabiat manusia yang rata-rata mahu mendapatkan sesuatu yang boleh dilihat daripada yang tidak dapat dilihat dan yang tidak pasti pula sama ada ganjaran tersebut akan diperolehinya atau tidak nanti.
Sia-sialah sesiapa yang ke Mekah tetapi membuangkan masanya banyak di rumah tumpangannya tanpa banyak meghabiskan masanya di Mesjidil Haam ataupun di Mesjid Nabawi di Madinah.
Salam, today i have a case presentation with Dr Ko Ko Aung. There were 2 cases has been presented today and both cases were neurological cases; Cerebrovascular accident. Then I would like to share some of the so called "exam questions" with all of u.
One of the question that he asked the presenter was "what is ischemic penumbra?" actually I already have bedside teaching with him and he already asked this question. But, as usual human tends to ignore and forget... hehe
So today I would like to share with all of u what does it mean by ischemic penumbra and what is important with it.
Within the ischemic cerebrovascular bed, there are two major zones of injury: the core ischemic zone and the "ischemic penumbra" (the term generally used to define ischemic but still viable cerebral tissue).
In the core zone, which is an area of severe ischemia (blood flow below 10% to 25%), the loss of inadequate supply of oxygen and glucose results in rapid depletion of energy stores. Severe ischemia can result in necrosis of neurons and also of supporting cellular elements (glial cells) within the severely ischemic area.
Brain cells within the penumbra, a rim of mild to moderately ischemic tissue lying between tissue that is normally perfused and the area in which infarction is evolving, may remain viable for several hours. That is because the penumbral zone is supplied with blood by collateral arteries anastomosing with branches of the occluded vascular tree. However, even cells in this region will die if reperfusion is not established during the early hours since collateral circulation is inadequate to maintain the neuronal demand for oxygen and glucose indefinitely. The extent of the penumbra varies directly with the number and patency of collateral arteries.
The penumbra is where pharmacologic interventions are most likely to be effective. However, it may also be possible to salvage cells within the severely ischemic core zone. Although severe ischemia kills selectively vulnerable neurons, glial cells may be spared if blood flow is restored early. Therefore, timely recanalization of the occluded vessel should theoretically restore perfusion in both the penumbra and in the severely ischemic core. Partial recanalization should markedly reduce the size of the penumbra as well.
For further information and illustration, u can click to this website:
So, till then i'll see u all next time. Enjoy reading!
ermmm.... dato' KY dah byk kali citer psl die fail kan student yg x reti nak angkat patient. pagi td pun die ada sebut jgk citer tu lg.... tp, does anyone of us know how to do it?
i guess not many of us know how to do it... even aku pun sbenarnye x tau jgk... smpi td ms tgh tgk TV dgn hisham die ada sebut how to do it.... anyway faiz nordin pun ada bg aku fail mcm mana nak buat.... so just wanna share with u!!!! all the best!!!
• Hemiplegic arm supported forward on two pillows
• Pillow behind back
• Both legs bent at the hips and knees, a pillow in
London Health Sciences Centre
Stroke Strategy Southwestern Ontario
Faiz Noordin
Pak Usop Hot
Thanx to all!!!
Hopefully all of us can get something beneficial from this article. klau ada yg fail nnt sbb x reti transfer patient, dari tawau ke arau, bota kanan & bota kiri pun tau... huhuhu
Hai guys.
I want share with all of you the java software that I usually use in my H/P Sony W550i.
Because of high demands from ~Po' Bear, Afif lah aku bagi ni...jenuh jugek nak cari balik dlm internet.
Skang ni Fikri tgh melompat2 kegembiraan sbb I already installed few dictionaries in his h/p.
Click the link below 4 the files:
1- Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary v2
2-Concise Oxford English Dictionary v2
3-Oxford Dictionary of Idioms v2
4-MS Oxford Medical Dictionary v2
5-Extra~Mobile Al-Quran
How to installed: Instructions (mostly for Sony h/p):
1)Download file
2)Transfer file into ur h/p - put in a folder (preferably other)
3)Open file in h/p
4)Choose install - save in application
5)Run the java
*Reminder-this applications only work on h/p that supported Java Application...h/p mcm Fikri, aku, Naim, Afif etc....
*Any question just post ur comment. Hope this one help in ur study!
Chinese Medical Translation Guide
Too many post from me? :p Sorry...
Bagaimana Memperbaiki Mutu Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Keluarga di Malaysia
Posted by: r_feev in Artikel, Kesihatan, Liberal, pengumuman, PromosiBlog memang menjadi medan untuk kita berkongsi cerita, menyatakan pandangan, memuji, mengutuk dan bermacam lagi. Pendek kata, apa sahaja yang terlintas di fikiran kita, semuanya boleh dicatitkan di dalam blog. Suka untuk saya berpesan buat diri saya sendiri dan juga teman-teman, berTANGGUNGJAWABlah sebagai seorang penulis blog mahupun penulis ulasan. Maksud saya bertanggungjawab adalah dengan berani mengaku dengan hasil tulisan sendiri. Tidak salah menggunakan nama pena, namun jangan sehingga ke tahap 'mencuri' identiti pihak lain atau menggunakan nama pihak lain untuk kegunaan sendiri. Apalah guna menulis tetapi tidak berani tampil menggunakan identiti sendiri. Ibarat membaling batu sembunyi tangan.
Apa-apa pun teruskan menulis dan saya menantikan setiap entri dari teman-teman untuk dibaca dan diulas....
Ni bukan la pasal Medical Miracle, tp lebih kepada Medical Impossible....
Buat setakat ni aku sekadar ganti hisham buat sementara waktu, buat mereka yg tgh menunggu Hisham post kn pasal "Lelaki Mengandung", apa kata kita layan dulu psl seorg lelaki yg digelar "The Octoman" - aku rasa maksudnye sotong kot.... Jom layan..
Lelaki berasal daripada Filipina, org gelar dia The Octoman sbb dia ada:
- 3 kaki, 4 tangan, dgn kaki dia yg satu lagi tu cuba paras LUTUT je..
Lps tu, kembar parasit (ni ikut istilah medical ni) dia tu siap ada Rambut dgn sebelah Telinga je yg melekat kat dia punya sternum - erks.... OMG...
So for those yg nak gi tgk "The Octoman" ni secara live, gi la kat sarkas kt sana...
Berita terbaru yg aku dgr dia nak buat operation buang kembar parasit dia tu, mgkn sbb selalu curi2 dgr guna telinga dia yg melekat kt sternum tu kot - klau aku jentik je...
Bace la betol, klakar jgk la citer ni... ini iki yg tunjuk kat aku kat dlm kosmo online.

mengandungi lipas di salah sebuah restoran di Shah Alam semalam.
SHAH ALAM - Martabak sardin berinti lipas.
Ia kedengaran pelik dan menjijikkan namun itulah hidangan yang dijamah Pengarah Jabatan Penerangan Negeri Selangor, Saptuyah Senson, 53, tengah hari semalam.
Menurut Saptuyah, dia hanya menyedari anak lipas sepanjang 1.5 sentimeter terselit di antara bawang dan sardin selepas menjamah suku daripada martabak yang dibelinya daripada sebuah restoran di sini.
Apa yang menggelikan, Saptuyah mendakwa secara tidak sedar beliau telah menelan sebahagian kaki anak lipas tersebut sebelum memuntahkannya semula.
"Habis saya muntah kesemua martabak yang telah dimakan selepas ternampak anak lipas tanpa kaki kiri bersama inti sardin dan bawang," dakwanya ketika ditemui di restoran tersebut di sini semalam.
Menurut beliau, makanan itu dibeli oleh seorang pekerjanya di sebuah restoran kira-kira pukul 11.45 pagi semalam.
I'm back with the answer..Hehe Thank you to brilliant responders~awie, po'bear and ainul coz the combination of your answers make it juz perfect.
Here is the answer...(adapted from CPG Management of Sore Throat,
1) For paeds age group:
Oral : Penicillin V 250mg bd or tds for 10 days course
Intramuscular : Benzylpenicillin :- <27kg>
>27kg : 1,200,000 unit X 1 dose
If allergic to Penicillin give Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 40mg/kg/day bd-qid (max 1g/day) for 10 days
If allergic to both give Clindamycin 20-30mg/kg/day tds for 10 days.
2) For adult
Same drug of choice except that the dosage is a bit different
Oral Penicillin V 250mg tds/qid or 500mg bd for 10 days
If allergic change to Oral Erythromycin 250mg-500mg qid for 10 days
If allergic to both Use Oral Clindamycin 150mg-300mg qid for 10 days
As awie had stated, the most common bacterial cause is Group A strep followed by Group C strep.
While the commonest viral cause is Rhinovirus followed by Coronavirus and Adenovirus.
As po'bear said and what ainul had experienced, the complications can be divided into suppurative and non suppurative.
Suppurative :
1)peritonsillar abscess or quinsy --> an indication for surgery (ainul did already)
2)retropharyngeal abscess
1)acute rheumatic fever
2) acute post strep glomerulonephritis
3) reactive arthritis
Another indication for surgery is recurrent tonsilitis but it has a few criteria to be fullfilled before deciding.
For further reading, please direct your link to
Salam to all my frens. We meet gain. I'll just come across to this article while im google up some journal for my case w up. It's a good article in which i think it's good to share with all of u. Its an article explaining to us the health benefits in prayers which stated in Al - Quran. I know maybe some of u guys out there probably already knew about this but for those who still does not know about it, lets read this article together. Thousand apologies from me because the article is a little bit long...hehe
Allah says; “Seek help with patience and prayer: it is indeed hard, except to those who are humble.” (2: 45)
( واستعينوا بالصبر والصلاة وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين ) البقرة 45
Health benefits in prayers:
- Prayers help release the burden of the soul and expand the chest. In prayers, which are the best deeds, the heart gets connected to Allah the Almighty. The Prophet (PBUH) said, as narrated by Ibn Majah and Al Hakim on the authority of Thawban; “Be it known to you that your best deeds are prayers.”
- Prayers are surely a healing for the soul. It is confirmed that the Prophet, if afflicted with grief, would hurry to prayer: “ prayer forbids indecency and dishonour. Allah’s remembrance is greater; and Allah knows the things you work.” (29: 45)
( إن الصلاة تنهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر، ولذكر الله أكبر، والله يعلم ما تصنعون) (العنكبوت 45)
- Prayers help adjust the ‘rhythm’ of the body. Modern scientific research proved that Moslems’ prayer timings correspond with that of the physiological activities of the body. Thus, prayers are considered as the orchestrator that adjusts the ‘rhythm’ of the whole body. In his book ‘Seeking cure from prayers’, Dr. Zaheer Rabeh indicates that cortisone is the hormone of activity that starts to increase acutely in the human body with the approach of dawn time, and is associated with the rise in blood pressure. Man feels greatly active after dawn prayer between 6-9 a.m. Thus the time after prayer is considered the best time for hard work and seeking livelihood. The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was quoted saying; “O Lord, give benediction to my umma (nation) at the early morning time.” Ozone, which has an invigorating effect on the nervous system, and muscular and mental activity, reaches the highest levels in air at such a time.
Contrary to this is the forenoon time (Dhuha), in which secretion of cortisone reach the minimum limits; leading man to feel exhausted with the stress of work, and the need to have rest. This is almost after 7 hours of early get-up. Here comes the time of noon (Zuhr) prayer, which gives complacency and quietness to the exhausted heart and body, and following which man seeks to get an hour of sleep that gives him rest and reinvigorates his activity, in what is termed as Qailulah (nap) before (Asr) (afternoon) prayer. Such a short sleep was mentioned in the Prophet’s saying; “Get help with Suhoor (meal before dawn time) for fasting, and with Qailulah for Qiyam (night) prayer.” He also said; “Have Qailulah, as satans do not have it.” It has been proved that the human body at this period generally encounters a hard time, where an increase occurs in an anesthetic chemical substance secreted by the body that has the effect of tranquilizing, and incites man to sleep. The body, after 7 hours of early wake-up, is at the lowest levels of concentration and activity. So if man ignores sleeping at that time, much of his neuromuscular compatibility decreases all day long.
Then comes the Asr (afternoon) Prayer to reinvigorate the body once again. Adrenalin then raises in the blood; causing activity in the body functions particularly the cardiac one. Asr prayer has thus a great effect in preparing the heart and the body to accept this sudden state of activity, which can cause serious troubles to cardiac patients due to the sudden transfer of the heart from the inert state to the active state. Allah says; “Be you watchful over the prayers, and the middle prayer, and do you stand obedient to Allah.” (2: 238)
( حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وقوموا لله قانتين ( البقرة 238
Most of the Quran Commentators agreed that the middle prayer is Asr prayer. With the discovery of the increase of Adrenalin hormone at this time, the reason behind this Quranic remarkable command of the keep-up of Asr prayer becomes crystal clear. Performing Asr prayer at designated time, alongside with other extra prayers, reinvigorates the heart gradually to function more effectively after an inert state. So the rest of bodily organs and senses are in deep concentration in prayer, making it easy for the heart and the hormone to adjust the normal rhythm of the body which reaches the climax at that time.
Then comes the Maghreb (sunset) prayer. In contrary to what happens early in the morning, Cortisone decreases and the activity of the body starts to diminish. With the transfer from daylight into night darkness, melatonin increases encouraging relaxation and sleep, and causing laziness to the body. Here prayer comes as a transitional station.
Prayer of Isha (early night prayer) is the last station in the course of the day, wherein the body is transferred from the state of activity and mobility to a state of seeking sleep with the spread of darkness and the increase of melatonin secretion. Therefore, it is commendable to delay Isha prayer to the time before sleep so that all man’s preoccupations are finalized, and sleep comes next. The regular secretion of melatonin is closely related to the sexual and mental maturity, which is the consequence of following a fixed programme and a way of life. Therefore, we find that adherence to perform prayers on time is the best way that guarantees an integral compatibility with daily activities, thus leading to highly efficient functions of human body systems.
- Prayer is a prevention from varicose. Legs varicose is a common dysfunction in the legs veins, which takes the shape of big and zigzag veins filled with blood of a changed colour all along the lower limbs. Dr. “Tawfiq Elwan”, a Professor in Alexandria Faculty of Medicine (Egypt), indicated that with the meticulous observation of prayer movements, it was found out that prayer is distinguished with a wonderful measure of smoothness, harmony and coordination, represented in standing, kneeling (Ruku’), prostration (Sujood) and sitting between every two prostrations. With a scientific study of the measure of pressure exerted on the walls of the saphenous vein at the ankle joint, it was found out that the great decrease in that pressure during kneeling reaches almost the half. As for the state of Sujood, the average pressure becomes very slight. Naturally, this decrease is a full rest to that vein, which is greatly exhausted due to the severity of pressure all along the periods of standing. The position of Sujood helps the blood circulation work in the same direction of earth gravity, as blood which always suffers the bitter creep from the feet soles to the cardiac muscle, now pours smoothly and easily from top to bottom. This process reduces much of the vein pressure over the feet dorsum around 80 times (from the state of standing to the state of Sujood). Consequently, the risks of having varicose, which rarely affects those performing prayers regularly and properly, are diminished.
- Prayer for strengthening bones. Bones pass with two consecutive stages : the stage of anabolism followed by the stage of catabolism and so on in a continuous manner. In the phase of youth and growth, man’s anabolism increases, so bones become longer and stronger. After the phase of maturity and with the advance of age, catabolism takes the lead, with the amount of bone decreasing and becoming more fragile, and the spine bows due to the vertebra’s collapse, shortness and weakness. The activity and the strength of bones are the outcome of : Powers of pressure and pulling exercised by the muscles and tendons, which sticks to bones, during flexion and extension. It has been recently proved that an electric current with two different poles runs inside the bones; affecting the distribution of cells functions such as anabolism and catabolism cells. The current also determines at large the aspects of these cells activities. The experiments proved that in case of laziness and rest, the electric current is diminished, leading the bones to lose the componential materials, thus they become thin and weak. Experiment also revealed that during travel to space where gravity is totally absent, muscles become weak and bones become thin due to the inability to resist the burden of the earth gravity. It is therefore deduced that complete rest causes the bones to shrink, as the absence of movements activates catabolism cells, and weakens anabolism cells, hence a reduction of the bony material occurs.
- The performance of 17 Rak'ah of obligatory prayes, and some more of extra prayers, strengthens man’s bones, and forces him to do a bodily movement not less than one hour daily. This happens all along the life of the Moslem, who never abandons prayers
- Prayer is a regular simple exercise at different times, and helps keep the viability of the body specially the cardiac system and blood circulation.
- Prayer is a psychological therapy that helps calm the soul and relieve all tension for many reasons, of which the most significant is: man feels that all his problems are very small in the face of the Greatness and Capability of the Creator Who handles this large universe. The Moslem, after finishing his prayer, has thrown all he has of problems and worries, as he has deputized the Merciful Lord to manage and relieve him of such troubles. Prayers help remove all sources of tension due to the constant change of movements. It is known that such a change leads to an important physiological relaxation, therefore, the Prophet commanded that the Moslem when afflicted with a state pf anger, should resort to prayers. It has been proved that prayer have an immediate effect on the nervous system, as they calm agitation and maintain balance. They are as well a successful treatment for insomnia resulting from the nervous dysfunction.
Till then, we'll meet again in the future..Salam.
Case History
10 month old boy. Taken to GP with h/o sudden onset of fever, vomiting and lethargy for 4 hours. Mother very anxious about child. GP referred child to walk-in clinic at hospital.
History on admission: Feverish and drowsy – sudden onset. 2 episodes of vomiting, 1 soft stool, no rash.
Assessment on admission:
Drowsy and pale, dark rings around eyes.
Temp 37.7
CVS: P 181, BP 120/52. CRT ( capillary refill time) 4 secs. Child peripherally shutdown.
RS: RR 32 breathing laboured and child cyanosed.
SaO2 100% in oxygen.
NS: GCS10 then 9, no neck stiffness. Fine blanching rash on abdo/chest. 1 petechial spot on abdo.
What might sudden onset of illness in an otherwise well child suggest?
What do you think of this assessment?
What do these signs tell you? How would you interpret the normal blood pressure in the context of other observations?
When conscious level is depressed and/or falling, is severity of disease likely to be worse when signs of meningitis are present, or when they are absent?
Is the very scanty rash a reassuring sign?
Hello friends...
Due to recent turmoil and havoc in this blog, I think it is wise to take some actions before things r getting worst and unrepairable.
Such things happen. We fight, then we shake hands.. That's normal. So, no one to be blamed. Let's get back to be a group of decent lots.
So, now guys! I have just changed the setting of this blog. There won't be anymore anonymous commenter. This is not to discourage us from visiting this blog, but merely to make us realize... Everything we say, we imply.. we have to be ready to face the consequences.
For wut its worth, I think we should also realize... This blog isn't exactly private... u know!
This is my first post ever in this beloved blog.. (please pardon my English if it makes u nauseated..haha as awie said, we must improve, so I'm improving by writing)
I'm having a sore throat and so do a few other friends. Maybe it's endemic now.. Having a sore throat is so distressing...But it reminds me about McIsaac criteria which I learned during PCM posting. So, lets revised it together here...(adapted from AAFP)
McIsaac Modification of the Centor Strep Score
1)History of fever or measured temperature >38°C (100.4°F)--> 1 point
2)Absence of cough--> 1 point
3)Tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy --> 1
4)Tonsillar swelling or exudates--> 1
5)Age less than 15 years--> 1
3 or more require antibiotic...
(I have none of above. So it just a viral infection. I just have to be patient and wait for the viruses to get bored with my throat which usually takes about a week---Hoho an easily bored fellow! Thank God.)
Now, the questions are:
1) what are antibiotic choices we have to prescribe?
2) how much is the dose and how long is the course?
"July 17th, 2008 at 13: 14.11
UiTM Med school has admitted 200 students this year for the MBBS course. Next year, it’ supposed to take 250! The infrastructure is poor, no patients to teach on…it’s worse than a 3rd world country school!"
Well, seriously I have no idea who said that. Too many comments to read at that blog, so I just searched UiTM and I found this. Not very shocked actually. I've been expecting this especially from somebody who don't like us. It's just a matter of time before we find out. Maybe, you've found it somewhere. But, it's a true and bitter story to accept. Don't you think so sometimes?
You are called to transport a 36 week baby who appears to have a form of cyanotic heart lesion. When you arrive at the referring hospital the child is quite cyanotic.
Vitals are as follows: HR 186, RR 88, BP 62/38 in upper extremity and 40/26 in lower extremity. Pulses are very weak in all extremities. I
nitial blood gas is 7.31/46/31 HCO3 19 BE -5.
Capillary refill is +5 and the baby is mottled.
The skin temperature is cold and clammy.
A. What type of heart lesion do you think this is?
B. What are other types of cyanotic heart lesions?
C. What are the first steps? Is this baby stable?
D. What are the pharmacological treatments? What fluids and what rate would you use?
You are 2 hours from your facility. What might you need to do before you transport this baby.?
( hint: remember the side effects of one of the drugs this baby should be receiving )
E. What types of complications can happen?
A. Before you leave, what information in important to have?
B. Would you like any diagnostic tests before you leave e.g. labs, abg, x-rays?
The follow up abg is as follows: 7.29/49/32 HCO3 19 BE -5;
What do you do? What do you say to the parents?
H. Explain the steps of intubation and give the hazards.
A. What types of IV lines would be desirable?
B. What would you live your FIO2 to be during transport?
C. Justify your answer for the last question.
After intubation of this baby, what are appropriate ventilator settings? How did you decide on these settings?
Discuss the side effects of higher FIO2's on cyanotic heart disease. If you needed less than 21%
FIO2, what would indicate this.
Explain the difference between Nitric Oxide ( NO ) and nitrogen ( N2 ).
These two gasses differ greatly, what disease processes are associated with each.
Does the transport team have the capacity to perform ventilation with these gasses?
Are you ready to leave the referring facility? Is there anything else needed?
If you are satisfied with your work, you may call report, see if the attending physician would like anything else, then you successfully return back to your hospital.
Terkejut gak aku dgr kabare yg our beloved dean nak jumpa ari isnin ni,ingtkan group aku jer, rupa2nya semua student, hari deepavali plak tuh (nasib baik aku x balik kg)...
Mungkin ada perutusan kot sempana deepavali... ada kbr angin kata pasal this coming PRO3, ada plak yg bg theory nak brainwash supaya rajin sket study, pepehal pun kita g dulu, jgn sibuk nak mkn maruku atau tgk cite hindustan jer...
What she wrote: (which I cut down a bit)
"There has been a recent debate in the UK regarding the withdrawal of an offer made to a prospective medical student by Imperial College London, when the admissions offices found that he had a previous criminal record. The student had taken part in a robbery at the age of 16, for which he’d completed the community service required and had done substantial amounts of volunteering work since. He was also a straight A-grade student. Opinion was divided about the decision. Some argued that ICL was wrong because the decision sent out the wrong message. Here was a person who had not only atoned for his punishment but had also turned his life around from his criminal past. The withdrawal, his supporters argued, showed that society was unforgiving of juvenile delinquents and would not allow people to change their ways, forever tarring them with the mistakes of their youth. On the other hand, there were those who thought that ICL had acted correctly because those within the medical profession should deserve the trust which our patients give to us; we should be above reproach.
But, of course, we’re not. Although most of the time, most of us are the consummate professionals and decent, moral practitioners that society wants us to be, we are still fallible because we are human.
Everyone has moments of weakness. But, how much does this matter when it occurs in our personal life? Should the things we do as people outside the medical arena impact our reputations within it? Where does personal life end and professional life begin?
As long as one can always assume the role of the competent, caring and confident doctor at work, does it matter what one is like at play? Is it right for a speeding offense to be listed on the internet, accessible to the general public? How much does one’s behavior outside the medical world say about one’s competence as a clinician?
The third issue relates to the perceived "severity" of the off-duty behavior. You might continue to trust your colleague if you knew they drank a bit too much at Christmas. Maybe even if they were compulsive gamblers or drove like a maniac. (maybe it's not a norm in here but it is in western countries) But what about behaviors which hint at a truly nasty side? What if they made racist remarks? Or participated in fraud?
The majority of doctors and medical students are, fortunately, free from serious bad behaviors. But even the purest of us will have aspects of our character which we would wish to remain hidden from our patients and colleagues. In fact, this selective presentation of ourselves to the world is usually intertwined with our notions of personal privacy. But should doctors lose this behavioral anonymity, open up to scrutiny and be judged whiter than white before earning the right to be doctors?"
I think it's a good question to ask to ourselves but of course, we don't usually see the wrong thingy about ourselves. But, this article doesn't meant you can missbehave because you are not perfect!
allo semua..tahun nih, sesapa yang x berkesempatan ikut jalan raya versi batch kita (aku le tu..), group 3 buat jenjalan raya versi kumpulan punya. ni tradisi kitorang, mesti p rumah syazana. dari tahun lepas lagi jenjalan raya nih dibuat. tahun lepas banyak tragedi, dari nak p sampai la balik. alhamdulillah, kali ni p sesat dalam kampung ja. sesat sampai yg dok belakang tu berkipas tahan lapar..=P al-kisahnya, 3 bijik keta yg p, x ada la balik tu sewa lori coz banyak melantak kan. sebelom p da siap 'order' nak makan apa ngan mak syaz. sapa yg tak rasa lagi keli masak kencur mak dia nih memang rugi, sedap banget!
tahun nih, bawak geng baru ada 4 org yg baru register. yang dressing macam nak kawin pon ada, janji meriah. sampai kat umah syazana mak dia da tunggu dah. siap jamu kuih raya, tapi aku mesti cari jeruk buah salak..haa..agaknya makan apa pon best kat umah syaz ni..kenal makcik ngan muka2 yang datang tu.
dah abis sapu bersih kuih raya tu, kami dah jeling2 dapor. nak tolong, tuan umah x kasi. siap tutup laluan lagi. so, kitorang pun simpan tenaga nak mengunyah nanti. menu memang gorgeous; ada keli masak kencur, daging masak kicap, ikan terubuk bakar, udang goreng tepung, pecal@gado-gado dan ais krim dengan roti (pencuci mulut lagi tu..) pe pon, mak syaz memang best, lupa nak mintak resepi.
dah abis makan tu, ada sesi bergambar. port wajib mesti ruang tamu, beranda ngan tangga. guess who are missing from the picture..=P
abis umah syaz, attack umah iki lak. on the way balik tu banyak kepala yang terlentok2. dengan co-pilot skali..umah iki mak dia jamu mee goreng ngan nasi impit cicah rendang ayam. sempat lagi kawan tanya mana mi kari, ish..ish..bedal je la..licin gak la sebab da lapar balik walhal da bedal berpinggan-pinggan..habis satu movie kitorg lepak umah dia. saja letak gambar iki kat dapur, upgrade saham ko ni..he.he
ni la kenangan kitorg. tahun depan, semua da bawak diri. apa pon pada tuan umah terima kasih bebanyak la..and to u guys and gals, selamat hari raya!!!
i hav chosen randomly 4 lucky students who're going to present PPD for coming classes...
1.Clinical case discussion; 31/10/08 - Ethical and Legal Aspect Liver Transplant with Prof Zaki Murad, students
(a) Rabiatul adawiyah
(b) Noor Shaidatul Akmal
2.Case Discussion; 21/11/08 - Ethics and Genetics Engineering,
(a) Mohammad Fikri
(b) Zul Akmar
Thank You.
p/s; This selection is being done randomly using com. random generator, and this process has been witnessed by En. Nous.
hahaha...BLOG menyebabkan masa aku lebih banyak x seteruk zaman2 main game PW..huhu kalo BLOG+PW=aku bley fail exam...penat jugak nak edit blog ni...mekasih kpd XOXO,kalo ko x komen tentu page ni x lawa mcm ni (hahaha...masuk bakul angkat sendiri)...hopefully with diz new design lebih ramai lagi yg nak post blog2 mereka...jgn salah gunakan blog sudah..
huhuhu korang rasa aku tergolong dalam golongan yg mana?
Salam to all of my frens...
This is my first time nak tulis something kat blog nih.. berdebar lah plak.. Tak de macam Cik Yusoff kite yang ade bakat terpendam tulis cerpen... hehe
Anyway, I would like to share with all of my frens about the latest movie that I've already watched last week, Mamma mia.. I know this movie is consider quite 'old' (not the latest la). Maklum lah die kuar bulan pose so tak sempat nak g tengok...
From my point of view, the movie tersangat lah best...!!! i really enjoy myself watching this movie, sampai nak menari rasenye kat dalam wayang tu (thank God i still manage to behave myself =).... ) Cerita die banyak sangat lagu.. and most of the songs have been taken from the ABBA album. To all of my frens yang really intrested nak cari sountrack Mamma mia, u can buy one of the ABBA album, (because im not sure which album yg ade lagu2 ni)..
One more thing, musical theatre die Disember ni..Tapi the sad thing is ticket sold out.. baru berangan2 nak pegi tengok...sob sob..
Although so there are many songs in this movie, for me I really like this song.. and i would like to share with all of u..
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Friday night and the lights are low
Looking out for the place to go
Where they play the right music, getting in the swing
You come in to look for a king
Anybody could be that guy
Night is young and the musics high
With a bit of rock music, everything is fine
Youre in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen
Youre a teaser, you turn em on
Leave them burning and then youre gone
Looking out for another, anyone will do
Youre in the mood for a dance
And when you get the chance...
You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen ....
To all of my frens out there, I would like to perform the 'Musical Show' of Mamma mia during our last My FOM Gala Night dinner..anyone who would like to join, u're welcome to join.. Especially Cik Yusoff kite..Ko kan 'Hot'... Maaf ye usop, gurau je.. =)
Mahasiswa dari kota tanah air
angkat matamu dari buku
lampaui dinding lampaui tembok
semua menunggu
mengajakmu bersama ke tengah jalan raya kota.
Lihat betapa temanmu telah berdiri di sini
sebaris dengan kami
para buruh dan petani di jalan sungai besi
sederap belajar dari hidup berani
Lepaskan tangan halus kekasih di tasik
atau bersamanya berjalan ke parlimen
kerana tenagamu dengan ilmu di dada
akan merombak erti hidup sebuah negara.
Usman Awang, September 1961
Seperti yg kitasemua tahu, weekend lepas some of us are having a great moment together...moment ber jalan2 ke shah alam dan beraya d rumah afif dan izzat. So probably some of you want to know how the programme’s going on... well it’s pretty awesome.
Ni masa briefing pukul 8.00 pagi, sebelum bertolak... Mmg rapi, kemas, teratur ah perancangan program ari tu
Ketua program bersungguh memberikan penerangan, ucapan, kata2 aluan, tentatif program, adab2 bertatasusila beraya (ikut kaedah Johor), dan mcm2 lagi lah... x larat aku nak tulih.
1, 2... and off you go. semua dah x sabar nak g beraya.
Well I must say aku amat bangganya dan gembira becoz hav such oppurtunity to be one of them. I initially thought sleeping is best thing for my weekend, but I’m wrong indeed. Being together with our own friends is more enjoyable, memorable and gratifying for me... lebih2 lagi dapat makan free, spageti rumah afif yg mmng best mengebest, siap mkn dgn nugget lagi... tapi yg lebih penting aku rasa la, nasihat dari mak afif hari tu lagi berguna... thank to afif and the family. (Dpt tgk gamba afif masa kecik skali, mmg rare oppurtunity... u’ll just hav no idea how’s he looked like when he was small kid, haha... thank again to afif’s mom)
Perkarangan rumah afif... mmg sesak ah ari tuh, mcm perhimpunan raksasa black14 kat kelab sultn. sulaiman.
Beruntung tgk2 gamba2 ari tuh... nak tunggu gamba mcm nih masuk blog, mmg berjanggut laa
Lebih kurang pukul 12 plak pergi rumah izzat, beraya kat rumah dia... Hari tu siap borak panjang lebar lagi kat rumah dia, mmg byk isu yg keluar, sampai x sedar dah tengah hari. Mmg ruih-rendah la rumah dia tgh tuh (sorry la izzat, sbb lupa nak behave sket), lebih2 lagi our hot couple tries to take pic together... rasa masa majlis bertunang plak ari tuh, ahaks (I won’t mention here sbb kami dah bermaaf2an ari tu....) we are happy seeing both of them happy. Selain tuh, nasi beriani mmng sedap lar ari tuh, seriously. Nasi saja pun mmg dah sedap, plus makan dng ayam pulak tuh... peh, kecur air liur. Walaupun stomach and interstine aku penuh dgn undigested spageti rumah afif, surprisingly I bleh abiskan full plate nasi beriani, It just too good to be resisted. Thank to izzat and his family, for such food and most importantly, welcoming us with open arm... now I realize selangorian is as heartwarming as kelantanese... haha.
Suasana hectic d rumah izzat, manakala the other corner plak...
...some guys are collapsing... while another corner...
...they still maintain their raya mood, =)
Happiest couple that day... we all are happy too, looking at them=)
Anyway, that day will to be an unforgettable moment for us... that would never come back again, no mtter what. Not to forget, the hard-working and dedicated organizer, thanks for organizing such programme... and all participants becoz spending their valuable time for the programme.
-Marhaban ari tu mmng mantap, thank to poBear, for such brilliant idea... tapi suara base xder, vocalist pun xdtng, kalu x mmg harmoni ah marhaban.
-Ucapan pun mmg mantap ari tuh epecially from pak-engku. I think becoz u hav gained experiences in previous jalan raya punya programme. Faiz pun mmg berisi ah his impromptu speech... probably becoz he’s pure kelantanese.
huhuhu setelah beberapa org dok sibuk bertanya bila citer ttg jalan2 raya akan di post dlm aku rasa terpanggil utk share citer pasal jln2 raya ni...
tanggal 11 oktober lalu,satu program jln2 raya telah diadakan..sama seperti tahun2 yg lalu..28 org pelajar tahun akhir fakulti perubatan uitm telah menyertai jalan2 raya...mungkin angka peserta jalan2 raya kali ni kurang berbanding jln2 raya yg lalu tp program tlah berjalan ngan lancar..
pd asalnya jln2 raya kali ni ingin berubah angin ke selatan tapi tidak berjaya mendapat sambutan yg menggalakkan (mungkin disebabkan jarak yg jauh)...
2 buah rumah diziarahi pada jln2 raya kali ni...rumah afif n rumah izzad (thanx to both of u coz sudi jadik tuan umah)..berkumpul seawal 8.30 pagi sumer sudah lengkap berpakaian raya..(gurlz bergaya mcm mak datin,boyz biasa2 je..hehehe).selepas doa selesai dibacakan oleh faiz nordin,kitorang bermaaf maafan antara 1 sama lain.dengan menaiki 7 buah kereta,sumer trus bergerak ke rumah afif..perjalan smooth je,maklumlah dah tiap2 tahun g umah dia..
jln2 raya kali ni berbeza ngan jln2 raya tahun lpas.kali ni program diisi dgn marhaban,bacaan doa,ucapan wakil program n ucapan tn umah..huhu parent tomok seronok ngan prog kali ni,dia kata mkin lama program ni mkin bnyk terisi..kat umah tomok mkn spageti sama sprti tahun lpas.kali ni spageti cukup pasal mak tomok dah bljr dr experience lpas (baru mak afif tau yg bdk medic ni kuat mkn,tu yg dia masak lebih)..bnyk gak mknn kat umah tomok.bdk2 ni melantak mcm tiada lagi hari esok utk mkn..mcm biasalah pas mkn,time utk berposing...
lpas dah knyng kt umah tomok,sumer trus menuju ke rumah izad..huhu,kalo dah jln beramai2 pasti ada yg sesat..3 buah keter sesat tp they all able to reach izzad's house.hmm kat umah izzad mkn nasik apa ek?sedap,ada lauk daging,ada lauk ayam ada mee...parent dia masak juz utk we all..walaupon dah kenyang kat umah tomok,sumer masih mampu utk trus melantak di umah izzad.izad siap rekod ngan video cam lagi telatah knk2 ribena ni di rumah dia..kat umah izzad,masing2 wat mcm rumah sendiri.gelak x ingat dunia,lepak lama2..huhu mklumlah rumah last..program tmat selepas bergambar di umah izzaad dan bersalam salaman ngan parent izzad.hmm rindunya program mcm ni..hopefully kita akan ada peluang dapat beraya bersama sama seperti raya kali ini..