We meet again.
So mcm mane the 1st article"Rosalia Lambardo-Sleeping Beauty"
Dah dpt jawapan ntuk rahsia ramuan "jeruk" tu .... ade org kate Dr. tu gune ARSENIC...woo ni mcm kes anwar hu hu
Reason...sbb kulit budak yg kene jeruk tu golden yellowish hue...mcm arsenic punye poisoning....ntahla.... btol @ tak #%$
Oleh sebab ade yg membace n support ( thanks guyz)....terimalah article ke 2...jeng jeng
2)"Girl with half brain"
Loh...elok2 1 otak Right & Left....apsal ade 1 pulak.....congenital ke????
Boleh idup ke ngan 1 otak ni....
Ni ha alive specimen....Name : Christina Santhouse
Asal : Bristol in Bucks County
Skolah : Conwell Egan High School---graduate ngan honour tu...jgn main main...cerdik ni
Sekarang ---Ok je die aku tgk....cume peripheral vision die loss n left hand die paralyze....U all know why.....
Citenye mcm ni----due to some medical reason [Rasmussen's encephalitis]....this girl brain hemisphere need to be remove surgically [hemispherectomy].
Tak caya...tgk ni ha...ambik ko....
So mcm mane....
Sape yg minat neuro boleh la googly @ yahooing pasal dz yg coz bende ni.....
Moral of the story---rajin2 la study ngan 2 hemisphere otak ni....kene bersyukur ade complete.
Soalannye....bahagian yg kosong tu berisi ape ye? n kalu adult buat operation tu result die same ke???kite jawab sama2 sbb aku pun tak sure?
Next post:
Lelaki mengandung @ Manusia Ketam!!!!!menarik ni...send ur response...which one do u want?
kalo 2 2 skali x bley ke?
kalo xbley aku nak laki mengandung dulu
errmm... actually, aku dgr kat mana im pretty sure that the one who told me was a lecturer and... a neurosurgeon if i'm not mistaken..
he said "the empty part will be filled with CSF"..
but one thing dowh, wont the other part of the brain herniates to the other side?
Anyways, the girl still can be a surgeon kan..
Laki ngandung..coming right up ( loh mcm restoran plak) hu hu hu...
Hoh kalu aku letak laki ngandung...jgn pulak ade bebudak laki yg gatal nak try...jangan....
Tul tu awie...the empty part will be filled with fluid~CSF...
Tapi takde herniation sebab P is maintain & the integrity of brain parenchyma is secured by the CTs~falx cerebri/tentorium...etc...
Aku raselah....need more opinion!!!
I 100% agree...nothing can stop her...except another attack of same encephalitis...kalu takde brain camne ye....
Think at the spinal cord some people...ouch...
Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk....
lelaki mana bleh mengandung, xder uterus... baby tu takkan kat dlm bladder @ rectum kutt
Belum bace belum tau...
With current technology everything is possible...
Just wait n hu hu
Ko nak ke??????
are discussing the one yang appeared in the news recently.. well not so recently, few months back kan???
yg tu ka...?
if thats the one, then aku ni xder la out dated sgt.. u dunno ker usop??
*are u discussing
*not so recent
50U got that right Awie...
Agaknye usop tak tau sbb die sibuk dgn rancangan GODA tu...mentag2 la die tu M...
*Nyuk nyuk nyuk...
aku tau laa.. saje aku nak test korang... lagipun xkan buleh kenyang pun perut kita kalu tahu pasal benda miracle cam ni